Monday, March 12, 2012

Best Man Redux

Recently received this photograph of myself from my good friend.  It's from his wedding, where I was Best Man.  It's a picture of a rarity-- me public speaking.  I don't consider myself much of a public speaker.  But I did it, and it went just fine.  Somebody told me that they were moved by my speech.  So there's that.

For more on this event, check out the post When Once I Was Best Man.  For now, though?  How about another picture?

The ceremony was at an atrium in St. Louis, the name of which escapes me right now.  It was very pretty.  Tom and Melanie are into year three of wedded bliss now.  God bless them both.

Weddings are what bring people together in our culture.  People will travel from great distances in all kinds of inclement weather to make a wedding ceremony.  It's an occasion like no other.  Sacred and gentle.  It speaks about the people coming together to merge hearts as one.  Oftentimes, great chasms of perspective must be navigated for a marriage to take hold and sail swiftly, confidently.  This definitely seems to be how Melanie and Tom are progressing-- they make it look effortless.  But I know it's not.  Firsthand.  Just ask Suzy.

1 comment:

(t)om said...

I tend to think we're navigating in a canoe, rather than sailing. Like our annual float trips. We can't control much of anything, notably where we're going. All that's left to us is to make sure the cooler is stocked. Might as well enjoy the ride.